Log Book for January 2, 2011

Health and Safety Report

Judah Epstein Reporting

A safety briefing was conducted tonight with the crewmembers.

Topics included:

- Background of training and experience of HSO (crewmember with the highest level of medical training and experience)

- Selection of another crewmember as secondary HSO (the second highest level of medical training and experience)

- Each crewmember completing a private medical background form with information of: Medical background/history, Allergies, and Medications.

- Emergency and evacuation procedures. Location of hospitals. Medic bag and crewmember medical info sheets to bring on evacuation. Discussion of remote location and thus delayed access to definitive medical care.

- Hab exits and emergency egress

- Hazards in the Hab

- Hazards outside of the Hab

- Medicine cabinet and first aid supplies

- First Aid kits to bring on ATVs and HabCar

- Hab safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, MSDS, smoke detectors, CO2 detector

- Hydration

For additional safety precautions the crew decided:

- The Hab-supplied potable water has a very noticeable amount of bleach and is of concern to crewmembers. Therefore, bottled/purified water will be purchased tomorrow morning to last the duration of the rotation for all 6 crew-members for drinking water. The in-Hab potable water will be continued to be used for cooking and cleaning.

- To enhance sanitation, brushing of teeth will not be conducted at the kitchen sink but will instead be conducted at one of the downstairs sinks.

Additionally the Telemedicine test was successfully completed with the on-call medical officer.