Log Book for January 8, 2011
EVA 13 Report
Jim Crowell Reporting
Time: 14:22 / 16:21
Crew Members:
Site Location: Near the Hab, toward the East
Transit Mode: Walking
Objectives: To test if the rover known as Sandstorm could travel more than 193.12 metres away
from the Hab
Results: Sandstorm was walked out to the location 193.12 metres away from the Hab. Several
attempts were made by controller (- inside the Hab), and the rover was moved a
few metres; when it would no longer respond, it was carried halfway back and controlling
was attempted again with no success. It was determined the batteries were low, so the rover
was placed in the ATV garage. Once the garage repressurized, entered and replaced
the batteries. She went back into the Hab, and the garage was depressurized so Jim could
receive the rover again. At this time, J began to experience difficulties with his suit's
respiratory system, so N. suited up to assist. The garage was then repressurized so
L. could set up control station in the ATV garage. 2 crew then followed
the rover as L. controlled it. When the batteries died again, the rover was carried
back to the Hab.
Lessons Learned: Rover can function farther than before, if batteries are charged and there
is a clear view of the controller. Respiratory systems should be double checked prior to