Log Book for January 10, 2011

Commander's Check-In

Judah Epstein Reporting

Crew Physical Status:

Time Departed/Returned from EVA:
EVA #16: 9:44 / 10:26. Amanda, Jim.
EVA #17: 13:00 / 14:34. Jim, Judah.
EVA #18: 16:38 / 16:57. Jim, Sandstorm.
EVA #19: 17:23 / 17:35. Jim, Sandstorm.

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results:
EVAs today consisted of Water Gully experiment, Satellite Data comparison collection, and Rover experimentation.

EVA Data/Interpretations:
EVA #16: Water Gullies were located and analyzed.
EVA #17: Panoramas were taken at three hilltops for Satellite data comparison.
EVA #18: Test connectivity to Sandstorm Rover.
EVA #19: Test connectivity to Sandstorm Rover.

Engineering/Hab Maintenance:
New water line to inside HAB tank froze. Worked on toilet.

Report Transmission Schedule:
CMDR Check-in, ENGR, CMDR Report, Photos, 4 EVA Reports, 3 Science Reports

Plans for Tomorrow:
- Cooking/Cleaning - Amanda/Nathan
- 07:30 - Breakfast
- 8:00 - Exercise
- Engineering checks
- EVA #20: Rock Varnish collecting
- 11:30 Lunch
- EVA #20
- EVA #21
- 17:30 - Dinner
- Reports, Food Study
- Work on experiments
- Showers - Lucinda/Tonya

Inventory: n/a

Support Requested: n/a

Miscellaneous: n/a