Log Book for January 11, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Judah Epstein Reporting
Crew Physical Status:
Very Good. Increased crew morale.
Time Departed/Returned from EVA:
EVA #20: 09:54 / 10:27. Jim.
EVA #21: 12:46 / 13:40. Nathan, Jim.
EVA #22: 15:08 / 16:25. Jim, Nathan.
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results:
EVAs today consisted of Rock Varnish collection, geocache correction, and Satellite data comparison collection.
EVA Data/Interpretations:
EVA #20: Location of geocache was verified with correct coordinates.
EVA #21: Rock Varnish samples were successfully collected based upon returning to previously determined location.
EVA #22: Satellite data comparison photos were taken from the top of Olympus Mons.
Engineering/Hab Maintenance:
Hot water heater was repaired with DG bringing new electric control panel and re-wiring connections.
EVA Pack #3 was repaired and all 6 packs are functional.
Webcams repaired and all webcams now operational.
Report Transmission Schedule:
CMDR Check-in, ENGR, CMDR Report, Photos, 3 EVA Reports, 3 Science Reports
Plans for Tomorrow:
- Cooking/Cleaning - Jim/Lucinda
- 07:30 - Breakfast
- 8:00 - Exercise
- 8:20-9:30 - Psychophysiological crew analysis
- Engineering checks
- EVA #23: Mobility Study with everyone
- 11:30 Lunch
- 12:00-1:10 - Psychophysiological crew analysis
- EVA #24: Water Gully Analysis
- EVA #25: Satellite Data Comparison
- EVA #26: Rover testing
- 17:30 - Dinner
- Psychophysiological crew analysis
- Reports, Food Study
- Work on experiments
- Showers - Amanda/Jim
Kitchen supplies inventoried.
Support Requested:
Delivery of dehydrated food.
Recommendation for additional defog spray. Polo Antibeschlag-Spray from Fairchild Sports Switzerland GmbH seems to work best. It is recommended that MDRS provide more spray or for crews to bring their own. The current container at MDRS is nearly depleted.
Kitchen extensively cleaned and organized.