Log Book for January 12, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Judah Epstein Reporting
Crew Physical Status:
Time Departed/Returned from EVA:
EVA #23: ~10:20 / ~11:30. Judah, Tonya, Nathan, Amanda, Jim, Lucinda.
EVA #24: 13:21 / 14:07. Amanda, Jim.
EVA #25: 14:22 / 14:55. Jim, Sandstorm.
EVA #26: 16:00 / 17:44. Jim, Judah.
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results:
EVAs today consisted of all crew-member EVA Mobility Study, Water Gully analysis, Rover testing, and Satellite data comparison collection.
EVA Data/Interpretations:
EVA #23: All crew-member participation in EVA Mobility Study including testing the suits through physical activities such as football throwing, archery, and a soccer match.
EVA #24: Water Gullies were analyzed.
EVA #25: Final test of outside router and range with Sandstorm Rover. Test successful.
EVA #26: Four panoramas were taken for Satellite image comparison.
Engineering/Hab Maintenance:
Water line from outside potable tank to inside potable tank was thawed, and dip removed to reduce potential for freezing in the future.
Equipment for the Usability Engineer's experiment was repaired.
Report Transmission Schedule:
CMDR Check-in, ENGR, CMDR Report, Photos, 4 EVA Reports, 4 Science Reports
Plans for Tomorrow:
- Cooking/Cleaning - Tonya/Judah
- 07:30 - Breakfast
- 8:00 - Exercise
- Engineering checks
- EVA #27: Satellite
- 11:30 Lunch
- EVA #28: Varnish/Gullies
- EVA #26: Rover testing
- 17:30 - Dinner
- Psychophysiological crew analysis
- Reports, Food Study
- Work on experiments
- Showers - Nathan/Judah
Alpine Aire dehydrated food arrived today.
Support Requested: