Log Book for January 13, 2011

Commander's Check-In

Judah Epstein Reporting

Crew Physical Status:

Time Departed/Returned from EVA:
EVA #27: 09:40 / 11:55. Jim, Nathan. EVA #28: 14:05 / 15:09. Amanda, Nathan, Jim.

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results:
EVAs today consisted of Rock Varnish sample collecting, Water Gully analysis, and Satellite data comparison collection.

EVA Data/Interpretations:
EVA #27: Satellite comparison data was collected. EVA #28: Rock Varnish samples were collected and Water Gullies were analyzed.

Engineering/Hab Maintenance:
Top layer of clogged sand removed from greywater straining tank.

Report Transmission Schedule:
CMDR Check-in, ENGR, CMDR Report, Photos, 2 EVA Reports, 3 Science Reports

Plans for Tomorrow:
- Cooking/Cleaning - Amanda/Nathan
- 07:30 - Breakfast
- 8:00 - Exercise
- 8:20-9:30 - Crew-member psychophysiological testing
- Engineering checks
- EVA #29: Satellite - Jim, Amanda
- 11:30 Lunch
- 12:00-13:10 - Crew-member psychophysiological testing
- EVA #30: Satellite / Varnish - Nathan, Jim, Judah
- 15:00 - Finish Sim
- Dinner
- Crew meeting about Saturday and handover
- Psychophysiological crew analysis
- Reports, Food Study
- Work on experiments
- Crew-member Imaginiff game
- Showers - Lucinda/Tonya


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