Log Book for January 17, 2011
Engineering Report
Haritina Mogosanu Reporting
Kitty (Diesel Generator) (Used? Yes/No): used
Honey (Gas Generator) (Used? Yes/No): not used
Battery Charge Level:
28.7 V green
33.7 V armor plate
40.3 V green
Notes/Comments (include how many generator runs, approximately when, and any times you needed to turn the generator on/off):
1 generator run all day ok
Fuel Status:
Diesel (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.5
Propane Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.4
Gasoline Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):1 containers full x 5 gallons 2 half 1 a quarter.
Oil: not checked we are not checking The oil and DG said to leave it on
Kitty Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):
Honey Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):
ATV Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):on the engineering work bench
2 x 946 ml
Car Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):where is it?
Water Status:
Outside Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 10
Trailer Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): very low little water left
Hab Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 8
Potable Water Meter Reading: 409926
Condition of plants in Tank 1: plants dead please advise
Condition of plants in Tank 2: very poor only 4 plants left
Condition of plants in Tank 3: poor
Greenhab Notes/Comments: plants are very few and have some leaves dead.
Telescope Used? (Yes/no) yes
Observatory Notes: dome engine felt off the rack and needs re-bolting. Contacted both Peter Detterline and DG.
(Note from Mission Support: the dome engine was removed a year ago due to warping - so the dome should be opened by hand.)
Used (yes/no):Yes
Oil Checked (yes/no):No
Tire Status:not checked
Odometer at end of day:-123152
Notes/Comments on Hab Car:
ATV 1 (Opportunity):
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n n
Fuel Consumed: filled
Tire Status:not checked
ATV 2 (Spirit):y
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n n
Fuel Consumed:replaced
Tire Status:not checked
ATV 3 (Viking I):
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n n
Fuel Consumed: replaced
Tire Status: not checked
ATV 4 (Viking II):
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n n
Fuel Consumed: replaced
Tire Status:not checked
Took the ATVs for a check drive around the habitat not on the road.
Heating and Ventilation:
Thermostat setting upstairs (Fahrenheit): 65
Actual temperature upstairs (Fahrenheit): 78
Thermostat setting downstairs (Fahrenheit): 55
Actual temperature downstairs (Fahrenheit): 75
Computers/Networking Infrastructure:
Notes/comments on internet/computers?: all ok
General Engineering Notes/Comments: can we organize the junk yard? (we were thinking of tidying it up)