Log Book for January 25, 2011

Engineering Report

Haritina Mogosanu Reporting


Kitty (Diesel Generator) (Used? Yes/No): used

Honey (Gas Generator) (Used? Yes/No): not used

Battery Charge Level:?
29.5 V everstart
34.4 V armor plate
40.3 V green

Notes/Comments (include how many generator runs, approximately when, and any times you needed to turn the generator on/off):
1 generator run all day ok

Fuel Status:

Diesel (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):1/2

Propane Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):30%

Gasoline Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):1 containers full x 5 gallons


Oil: not checked DG said to leave it on him

Kitty Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):2.5 gal

Honey Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):3 gal

ATV Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):on the engineering work bench
2 x 946 ml

Car Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):where is it?

Water Status:

Outside Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 11

Trailer Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): almost full

Hab Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 12

Potable Water Meter Reading: 412841



Condition of plants in Tank 1: plants dead

Condition of plants in Tank 2: very poor

Condition of plants in Tank 3: improving

Greenhab notes/ comments:


Telescope Used? (Yes/no) yes

Observatory Notes:

Telescope underwent realigning and reinforcing as follows:

We removed the telescope tube off the dove tail and placed it securely on the ground.
DG cut the faulty bolt and then removed the mount.
The inside part of the BOLT was broken and DG welded a new one.
We measured north by Polaris (as instructed by Peter) and double checked it with the magnetic compass, computed the variation of 14E (data taken from Hanksville airport) of it.
It looked that if we only pulled the main pier sideways a little bit we would be able to get the orientation so we decided to give it a go without drilling new holes. (this was also based on the fact that after looking inside the pier upon opening it, DG realised that he did not have the proper tools for redrilling properly aligned bolts. )

We placed the electonics pier and the counterweights and strenghtened the bolts back on the main pier.
We put the telescope back on the dove -tail, balanced it in RA and Dec.
We leveled the pier.

Tonight I'll polar align it and see how it tracks etc.
Please keep all your fingers crossed!


Used (yes/no):Yes
Oil Checked (yes/no):No
Tire Status:not checked
Odometer at end of day:-123233
Notes/Comments on Hab Car:

ATV 1 (Opportunity):
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n y
Fuel Consumed: filled
Tire Status:checked

ATV 2 (Spirit):
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n y
Fuel Consumed:replaced
Tire Status:checked

ATV 3 (Viking I):
Used: y/n n
Oil Checked: y/n n
Fuel Consumed: replaced
Tire Status: not checked
Comments: started

ATV 4 (Viking II):
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n y
Fuel Consumed: replaced
Tire Status: checked

Heating and Ventilation:
Thermostat setting upstairs (Farenheit): 65
Actual temperature upstairs (Farenheit): 75

Thermostat setting downstairs (Farenheit): 55
Actual temperature downstairs (Farenheit): 65

Computers/Networking Infrastructure:

Notes/comments on internet/computers?: cleaned the glass on the front of the camera and reset the computer.

General Engineering
1. Notes/Comments: DG was here again and made major repairs to the plumbing and the insulation as you may know.

2. We bought a new green laser pointer that we wish to donate for the Musk Observatory. This will come in handy for both visual observing as well as alignments of the telescope.

3. The hand control of the telescope has been previously dropped on the floor. I am basing this affirmation on the fact that when i first used it, the scrren was croocked and I was mentioning in a previous email to Peter that the display went off; DG brougt a new adaptor as we thought that happened due to power fluctuations. Last night the screen went off again and came back to life after I pressed on it so I tightened up the screws. It works for now but it needs looking at it and glueing back the LCD screen.