Log Book for January 30, 2011

Commander's Check-In

Donna Viola Reporting

Crew Physical Status: good

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: EVA #1 2:10pm-3:15pm; EVA #2 4pm-5pm

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: practiced suiting up for EVA, learned how EVA suits affect ability to see, move, and communicate

EVA Data/Interpretations: as per EVA reports

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: n/a

Report Transmission Schedule: Chef's, EVA 1, EVA 2, Engineering, and Commander's, by 8pm

Plans for Tomorrow: sample collection EVA, practice using EVA Mission Planner

Inventory: n/a

Support Requested: Inspected EVA suits - found the following issues, please advise where necessary:
- large hole in helmet 2 faceplate
- one of the hoses from backpack 5 was connected backwards, and had gotten severed from the connector at one end.
- backpack 3 hose connection was too large to connect to helmet 3
- 1 headset was broken - could talk to other team members, but couldn't hear any communications
- had trouble using vox on radios; resorted to using push-to-talk for second EVA

Miscellaneous: packaged freeze-dried chicken and beef for subsequent crews; stored in loft