Subject: Dean is just back! Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 23:5:39 -0000 (GMT) From: Dean Calahan |
Hi Everyone!
Say, I just got back from preparing to move cross-country (Seattle to Baltimore - much of my post Toronto "vacation" was spent finding a house in B'More!). I saw lots of traffic on the list, but due to my life-changing-event focus, didn't feel I could participate fully and only lurked!
So, how's it going? TKok had a design plan underway, as I remember!
Those of us at Toronto need to prepare some kind of report for the rest of the group, eh?
Anyway, see some of you soon!
- --------------------------------------------- Mars Society Life Support Task Force Email - life-support@chapters.marssociety.org http://home.marssociety.org/tech/life-support/ Arctic Base - http://arctic.marssociety.org/ |