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Subject: book recommendations
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 21:39:41 -0000 (GMT)
From: Terry Kok
Hi everyone!
I have two book recommendations that I think will help
everyone get a wider perspective on both our mission
to Mars and what exactly is going on on Earth. Both
books are top notch, filled to the brim with useful
perspective. I don't usually make recommendations but
I am this time. Do whatever it takes to read these

BIOSPHERES - Metamorphosis of Planet Earth - Dorion
Sagan (child of Carl Sagan and Lyn Margulis: Gaia
Therory co-author) - McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. - 1990

DEAD MARS - DYING EARTH - John E. Brandenburg, Monica,
Rix Paxson - The Crossing Press - 1999

Both books are eye opening. BIOSPHERES gives the big
picture of Gaia and hir gestation cycles and why we
might be dis-assembling hir life supporting ecosystems
while simultaneously working on miniature closed cycle
ecosystems made to seed other worlds. It puts a lot of
what we are experiencing into useful perspective.

DEAD MARS - DYING EARTH is are real assessment of
global climate change, geochemical CO2 sinks/storage,
and what happens when the environment gets saturated.
There is a lot more than that here. Want to face some
heavy reality? Read this book NOW - seriously. It is
mind-blowing and still fun to read. There is quite a
bit of space exploration history and Mars info inside
as well as "let's face the facts" info.

Those of you who are interested in life support will
learn much from these books. BIOSPHERES may be out of
print but the public interlibrary loan system can get
it. DEAD MARS - DYING EARTH (hardcover) is at Borders
(probably elsewhere as well). Don't procrastinate.
Check out these recommendations.

Terry R. Kok - Green CELSS Task Force focalizer

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